Don't Panic!
This stamp shows the late, much-loved actor Clive Dunn playing Lance Corporal Jones in the old TV sit-com 'Dad's Army'. It's from a set of stamps that were released a few years ago, but I always try and keep a few fancy stamps to stick on the envelopes of friends' birthday cards. Thought this was suitable for the current climate.
My sore-throat's gone; instead I have a humdinger of a cough and cold. They kept me from sleep for most of last night, my fit-bit telling me that I eventually slept for 2 hours and 11 minutes. Went back to bed this morning and increased my total sleep to 4 hours 4 minutes. Hence, too tired to do anything much except moan softly to myself.
Desperately want to sleep, but dreading going to bed, as the small amount of sleep I achieved only by sleeping in a sitting-up position. I have to be glad it's 'only' a cough and cold and not the coronavirus. Shall still be glad when it's gone.
Have I whinged long enough? Probably. Sorry. Normal blipping will be resumed as soon as possible.
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