
It was just over five degrees in the water this morning, but the sun was trying to shine and the company was great so who cares. I swam a circuit and felt fine, I was fine when I got out but after five minutes the after drop set in and I was shaking all over. Victoria had bought me a cup with a lid as I always suffer with the after drop and lose half my tea through shaking lol.

Victoria swam close to the ramp as it had knocked her confidence when she was rescued last time. There was no problem today so hopefully she has conquered her fears now.

It was such a great morning and all of us who have attended all the polar swims got a little surprise gift today. Mine is a purple flowery swim hat which matches my purple dry robe. I love it.

The Coven met this afternoon and I told them that I’ve booked the axe throwing for my birthday. I’m really looking forward to that.

Now I’m in bed with the electric blanket on just to make sure I’m warm through to my core. It’s an early start in the morning.....night all x

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