A new day dawns....

By Nicdawncav

Pulling myself together.

I'd like to thank a friend of mine from work who commissioned me to make my first 2 dolls in aid of my charity fund (don't know what the charity is yet, but I will find one!). Tonight I was moping around, feeling sorry for myself. I have a week off work coming up, and here in Turkey, everyone seems to be jetting off somewhere for the school holidays. We haven't made a plan yet. Zeki is ill again, flights anywhere are too expensive. Not only may we end up staying put, but at the same time, the kid's friends are going away, so my 2 will be bored and complaining....poor old me, blah, blah, blah...,
So I took myself upstairs and started to make the dolls. I wanted to surprise Elvan by having them ready for tomorrow. The time passes so fast when I sew. It took 5 hours to make the two dolls, but it felt like 1. It really is a form of therapy. I was able to think about all the things I have to be thankful for. I thought about those people who reallydon't have two pennies to rub together. I told myself to snap out of it. I now have two lovely dolls to give tomorrow, a 20 turkish lira start to my charity fund and a real sense of accomplishment. I am so happy to be able to have produced something from a few scraps of felt, some thread and the stuffing of an old cushion!
Any orders greatly received ( other models available!)

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