Chicken Family

This is my little chicken family before two of them left home this afternoon to travel to Glasgow and lay their eggs at Nina and Ewan’s house. I’ll miss them, of course, but if I have the energy to replace them before Easter, I will.

There I was today in Söderberg for my morning sourdough toast armed with my book prepared to be ‘Billy no mates’ when Porty daughter appeared with her friend newly flown in from Muscat for a break to renew his passport. Then one my friends passing, decided to join us and finally Glasgow daughter phoned to say she was on the train to Edinburgh for a meeting and could she quickly say hello. I ended up with the happy embarrassment of a very full table.

Before this and before the traffic got busy, I took my new Brompton bicycle out to show it some potholes and boy, was it well impressed. The potholed roads in Edinburgh these days defy description, and everyone is talking about them except the the town council’s roads department which is keeping schtum on the subject. One wonders how much worse they can become. I imagine the powers that be are putting the blame on anyone save themselves. If only Underbelly would part with some of the cash they made at Christmas at our expense, that would be a help.

PS the party last night was a great success because it was small and neighbourly............and warm in every sense.

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