Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

That's what you call Frost!!

After a brief lull into positive temperatures yesterday,this morning the overnight drop in temperature and the freezing fog had left it's mark on the trees and bushes.
Everywhere you looked there was thick sparkly frost as if someone had painted it on -really spectacular!
However it was still -6 and the fog lingered most of the day so it was very hard to capture it on a photo-well for me as I am still learning!
I took my camera out and about and have spent ages looking at my shots ,trying to make a decision-tricky..
The one I settled on I think best sums up the scene all around -lots of frosty white trees and fields and a blanket of fog too..
It doesn't seem to have warmed up at all ,so I think it will be even thicker tomorrow morning-good blip potential maybe.

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