
By Sparky

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Always imitating, me.
Imitated a competent mother, adult, teacher today to name but a few.
One day; maybe one day soon;
someone will see through the veil,

The foam for the window seat arrived, it fits this time, praise be...
MOT on the car, which should have been done on Monday, but that was snowed off.
ahhhh, Margaret has a new love!! she is being all 'public' about it all over facebook. I've not met him yet, but I really hope they are right for each other, not like the last tosser she dated. She has this knack of picking people who live a long way away, this one's in Chesterfield. I might never meet this one, lol. If I told you the detail of her last 'relationship', you wouldn't believe it was a true story its sooooo umm, what's the word.... unbelievable. She was being stalked by a 'person' who she originally though was a man she had met at a pub and dated for a while, but it turned out to be his wife!!! you really wouldn't believe the stories.... ended with her door being kicked down in the middle of the night.

Apologies to anyone who thought this was about them, maybe the clarifications will put minds at rest.

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