Drink Driving

After a birthday brunch, we said our farewells and set off on our journey home. The Herefordshire countryside is beautiful and Alan pulled over for me to take some photos of the view, which was going to be my blip but is now relegated to my extras.

The traffic was actually ok, but the M23 southbound was closed due to works, so we were diverted through the Surrey countryside - by this time it was raining really heavily! As we drive through the little village of Rusper near Horsham, we saw these horses and cart parked up outside the pub, so I asked Alan to stop so I could get a photo. He pulled into the car park, and I ran in the rain without my coat on and asked if they minded me taking a photo. They were absolutely soaked and the old lady in the driving seat said they hadn’t expected to get wet! I’m not quite sure why they were parked up outside the pub, but I’m glad they were - it’s not a sight you see every day so it had to be my blip.

We got home about 4pm having driven through the rain and it was nice and sunny here in Brighton. I unpacked, put the Sunday roast on and edited Charlotte’s birthday photos. Now it’s time to watch the final of Dancing on ice.

I’ve received some very sad news tonight that Catherine, my old school friends’ wife has lost her battle with breast cancer today. It’s so very sad, she fought it 3 times, but it kept coming back and finally it took her. My thoughts are with David and their children

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