We had a long lie then met in the kitchen to brainstorm for my wedding fair next weekend.
We were early for breakfast at Comet Pieces! 2 pm!
Then we went to Costco to do some shopping.

Neil is more concerned about the Corona Virus than I and he convinced me that being at least a little bit prepared is not that much a bad idea.

However, we really do not understand the hype for toilet paper!! But is seems to be stockpiled in homes in Glasgow!
I do not think the virus comes with diarrhoea! 
However, lucky Neil found one of the last packs at Lidl!!

I am trying to be better now, wash my hands more often, have hand sanitiser in the bag, hug and kiss less and shake less hands.
Maybe it makes a little difference, when the virus spreads more here in UK.
Maybe being less oblivious is a good thing - it does not hurt and I am meeting a lot of people every day.

Blipping Neil - my BPB (Be Prepared Boyfriend) with his trophy!

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