You gotta have Faith...
Faith's turn to take centre stage :-))
This little lady is such a character. She smiles virtually non-stop and when she's not smiling, she's making silly faces and making herself and everyone else laugh!
The morning got off to a great start with Anna and Faith getting their gifts (an etch-a-sketch type toy for Anna, and a little pull along dog for Faith) and L getting his Kenyan thistle that I painted (there was too much going on yesterday to to give them then.) The girls love their toys and L was absolutely blown away with the thistle. Really touched by it. I'm so pleased :-)
Their poor mum hasn't been feeling at all well today so the day didn't pan out quite as planned, with a fairly lazy afternoon indoors instead of a trip out to feed the swans at Gleneagles.
Late afternoon L took the girls to visit other friends who live about 5 minutes from us. It's the funniest story, but two years ago when they stayed with us, S & L took the girls to our local play park and quite randomly met another mixed race couple there, D and his wife B and it turned out B is also from Kenya. They got talking and the children played together, and when they parted they changed email addresses and have kept in touch since.
S took the chance to go and have a lie down as she was still feeling horrible with her stomach bug. I feel so sorry for her as there's nothing worse than feeling ill when you're away from home. I hope it's just a 24 hour thing.
D & V brought L and the girls back just after 7pm and came in to say hello. V had braided Anna's hair and Anna was keen to let me see (pic in extras) Faith was her usual bouncy self and trying to get her to sit still for two seconds to have her photograph taken was almost impossible. Even harder as my lens decided to play up and not focus properly. Very annoying! Still, I managed to get a couple of shots.
Anna helped me make dinner of chicken breasts with lemon, lime and chilli, potato wedges with homemade creme fraiche, spring onion and cucumber dip, and salad. Poor S chose to stay upstairs and sip water.
The girls were very good and ate all their food so were allowed a little ice cream despite it being past their bed time.
They are all settled in bed now and looking forward to some swimming time tomorrow.
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