
By Hamp5on

Uncle/Nephew bonding.

Spent the morning baking bread, it's always a bit of a gamble as to how the final loaf will turn out!! This loaf was particularly crusty, so no good for those with dentures!
We took Asha swimming this afternoon but unfortunately the pool was closed to the public - ended up popping to see my sister and nephew instead;

Asha's had a case of the 'brats' this afternoon/evening, it ended with her breaking a wine glass...I was surprised at how much it upset me... How do you teach a toddler to 'be good' and deal with tempers more constructively than just throwing things and being destructive???? This parenting lark can be difficult! It's hard not to feel that her bad behaviour and reactions are a reflection on you & your parenting... Oh well, hopefully this phase will soon pass and Asha will grow up to be a wonderful person (which she already is most of the time).

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