The first post was the deepest

It was fine this morning so they started the fence.
I knew it would be tough as there are 3 old steel girders keeping the old fence in place. It would appear the posts were like icebergs: deeper than you first realise. This one took most of the morning to remove. Even then they had to cut it below ground cos it wouldn't shift. Any how once they overcome ti's obstacle they were able to crack on a bit. Half is up. If its dry tomorrow they might finish it.

Rain stopped play at 3 and I think they were pretty tired. Oh yes I sold my petrol lawn mower today for £50 so a good result on that. It hadn't been started since October when S next door started it for me. It came out of the shed this morning and started 1st pull !

C mowed ours with the battery mower.

Sorry I'm a bit behind looking at your journals but I will catch up.

Thanks for looking in today.

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