Mr John

By MrJohn

A model .....

..... dog.

Thank you for all your well wishes yesterday. The headache has lingered for most of today, but a busy day at work has distracted me from it.

This evening the Wednesday cake night was held at Alison's house as My log burning stove is currently in pieces as I'm in the process of replacing the top casting which has cracked.

Also at the cake night were Mr M, Mr P and Millie, Alison's cat. We drank tea, ate cake and watched the New Attenborough series about Africa. We looked at Alision's photos of her trip to Thailand before Christmas and then Mr P and I helped Alison set up the security on her new laptop which runs on windows 8 ( why do Microsoft insist on constantly changing their operating system just as you get used to the last one :-/ ).

Cake night went on quite late with all the photos, computer tinkering and me showing Ali how to use her new iphone ( which she's had for months but only switched on today ). By the time we left it was 11:30 pm and I hadn't taken any photos, so I popped over the road to my house quickly grabbed my tripod and went with Mr M and Eban for Eban's late night walk around the block. I took a few quick light paintings of Eban, who was really good and sat perfectly still for me but my light scribbles were terrible, so I've instead blipped my last snap of the day which is of eban back home after his walk.

Ali has very kindly lent me the Life Of Pi book to read, but I'll start that tomorrow as it's now midnight. So today's blip is .....

..... A model dog.

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