Today felt like Spring so I made arrangements to pick my daughter up from the gym after I had a long walk after work. So glad I did! Not only was it a wonderful walk meeting up with various creatures along the way. My favourite moment was when two little does came running down the trail towards me. They looked like two foals or lambs frolicking.
However, my absolute fav moment was when I was walking through the woods and heard a sound that was getting louder and louder. Not geese...not Sandhill Cranes (now that I know how they sound!)...not Mute Swans (ok, that is a bit of a joke?)...but Trumpeters!!! Thirty-six of them flying in formation. I had to run to get to an opening to get a decent enough shot of them. I have never seen such a large number flying together before. At first I thought that they might be Tundra Swans migrating but nope...definitely Trumpeters. So cool to see :))
Nice way to end a Monday....hope yours was good!
D x
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