
By MumOf4Wildlings


This morning started off quite mundane. I got 2 bathrooms cleaned, 3 bedrooms and some hoovering done. I have so much ironing but that can wait until tomorrow.

I picked Lincoln up from nursery and was told that they will be closing just before the summer. I'm absolutely gutted about this as it's a fantastic nursery. I feel sad for the staff too as they now have to find other job's. This is what is happening to a few nurseries. The council will only pay a private nursery a certain amount per preschool child per session, but will pay double the amount to a school nursery. Which really isn't fair at all, especially when I know that a few of the private ones get better grading and better hmie reports than some school nurseries. And with the new hours some preschool nurseries will now be taking up to 70 children at a time. I don't want that for him. He will get lost in amongst it all.

My friend and her son came round for a cuppa once she had finished work. She works in a nursery setting too and says that it's manic just having 40 preschool children in. The little jedi loves her as you can tell by the look on his face.

Linc and Harp had a lovely time together while Xander was at school.

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