
By Grimsayer

High excitement

Off to the campsite to make pigs of ourselves on the Menu de Cochon. 
We snuck in on the last day of this menu and the place was almost full of others appreicating it.
It starts with the cheeks then boudin (blood sausage in English) then caillettes (dodgy biits with swiss chard) then roast pork (no translation) then goa't's curds with cream and sugar before  the now traditional coupe ardechoise. Ice-cream and chestnut.
We had amde the brave deciision to walk and even more bravely wlaked back by a friend on the opposite side of the vallet for a brief induction into the art of grafting fruit trees.
So enthuused was Tricia she stayed out nito the evening gloom trying one. Sensibly I stayed inside and watched the Scotland France rugby.

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