Business as Usual

A windy day, gales picking up this afternoon and evening.  Some showers first thing, then a bright sunny spell before lunch.  Raining this afternoon, with showers tonight.

I've been working on the museum desk all day, and a fairly quiet day.  There has been the odd tourist too.  Met up with mam for lunch.  Headed down to see sister Laura this evening, and some walkies with Sammy before my shift in the pub. 

No more positive cases of the Coronavirus on Shetland yet, and the new testing facility is up and running.  Hopefully with extra efforts of hygiene and general awareness, it will remain contained.  It has been a shock on the isle, but it just has to be business as usual for the time being.  Tasty soup and a look around the shop, before heading back to work.  Taken in Mackenzie's Farm Shop, Cunningsburgh.  

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