
Blipper Scribbler and I made a pact, well, an agreement, to paint a painting and publish it today. So here it is Scribbler...I’m not totally happy with it but I had fun doing it, and I DO think it may have spurred my interest in picking up some brushes again...

On the Coronavirus front...I should have listened to the news a little better before I wrote my entry yesterday. Trump DID shake hands with two congressmen who had been somehow exposed to the virus and ‘out of an abundance of caution’ were self-quarantining.

I just got a text from Peter that UC Santa Barbara will be holding classes remotely until the end of April. He’s planning on coming home, but I haven’t heard how or when. I assume it is ASAP and we might be the ones to go pick him up.

Dana and Jim were supposed to go to Barcelona today. I assume they are there although we haven’t heard from them yet, nor have we heard from Will other than to say something along the lines of ‘Cal Poly isn’t as sophisticated as the UC’s.’ I don’t think Coronavirus relates to levels of sophistication....it wouldn’t surprise me if Cal Poly follows suit...

The levels of complication around dealing with the novel Corona virus are getting almost as many as producing a simple water color. Thanks for the suggestion Scribbler. Let’s do it again.

On the home front, John spent the morning trying to figure out why the fountain in front...the one with the basalt columns and the frogs...stopped working. He wound up emptying the pond and found a huge tear in the pipe to the pump which was clogged with several dead frogs. The pond will remain empty until he can replace the pipe....

I decided that rather than washing my hands dozens of times, I just wouldn’t go anywhere. Good thing I had a project to keep me busy....

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