Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

My Bracelet

At least I made a bit more of an effort today but only a little.  I think I may have done more harm than good when I fiddled with it but I didn't have the energy to start over.  This was a gift from PD for Christmas 2018 and of course, I love it. :-)  Many thanks to jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesdays in March!

I'm feeling about the same as yesterday but no worse.  I decided that 6 days on the antibiotic was enough so I took my last one this morning.  I read about length of treatment with this med for various conditions and the consensus was 5 to 7 days, not 10, except for certain specific things.  I think I did the right thing.  Now when I get better, it will either be because the side effects went away or the virus ran its course. Lol!  Even if I never know, I think I'll probably avoid this drug in the future!

I am grateful to Pipersdad for pampering me while I've been under the weather. :-))  

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