
I’m blipping early as I have a Skype tonight.
Danny and I have decided to have Wednesday mornings together...we’re trying to put good ingredients into our marriage, and quality time is obviously one of them! I had a very obvious but revelationary (is that a word?!) thought, if WE don’t make our marriage a priority, no one else is going to! We’re never going to have enough time to take a morning off together, so we just need to create it and make it happen, not wait til it can and life is emptier. Anyway, week 2 of saying no to other things in order to say yes to each other. We took egg & bacon baguettes and coffee and sat underneath our ‘Joshua tree’ at the rocky beach. Such a revitalising place...Also found a second hand place on the island - the concept doesn’t really exist here...very exciting to find a couple of bargains for Asha!

Danny was on homeless lunch so I walked to get Asha from school - met a new mom, here from Ecuador. The kids and I stopped at the beach on the walk home - such a privilege to be able to do that! Extra of both kids.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Mornings with Danny.
2) The smell of sea salt, the sound of the waves, birds, insects, the warmth of the sun. Good!!!
3) Natasha the social worker at Caritas - so incredibly caring and on the ball. A privilege to work alongside her.

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