
By Snowyjones

Steamy steamy

Well it’s turning into a bit of a magical mystery tour up here in the North island. Drove up to Rotorua today and despite signs telling me I was on the thermal highway it did take me an embarrassing length of time to realise that it wasn’t lots of fires breaking out amongst the trees, or that the strange smell was not coming from the hard boiled eggs in my fridge bag.
Found myself a thermal campsite with hot pools on the basis that I haven’t managed to have a hot bath for the last five months. It was just so good that I rather over did it and nearly fainted when I got out, took me about 20 minutes before I could stand up without fear of passing out.
The best surprise though was that I had a thermal camping spot so I had underfloor heating in my tent. Now that is the way to go with camping, almost didn’t use my mat because the ground was so cosy, instead opted for half in and half out of my tent so I could see the moon and stars as I fell asleep, perfect!

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