Moniaive Station

Today's the day …………………………. for the end of the line

This sad and very dilapidated building is all that's left of Moniaive Railway Station.

Moniaive was the terminus of the Cairn Valley Light Railway line that branched off the main route from Dumfries to Glasgow just north of Dumfries - and this was once a ticket office and waiting room.  Funnily enough, I did mention it before, almost exactly three years ago to the day.  All I can say now is that it's in an even worse state of dilapidation than it was then.

I think I did hear that people from the village of Moniaive were keen to preserve it but that the farmer who owns the land on which it stands, was not interested in anything happening to it at all.  At any rate, it now has a fence around it and notices saying that it is unsafe.

Such a sad end to an interesting piece of local and historical architecture …………………...

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