
By spishy

300 back to back blips

Phew... made it to the big 300, with the timely assistance of this speeding granny in her mobility contraption thingy.

I did have a cunning plan for this special blip day but it involved me having to get to work early so that I could take a quick hike up to Lloyd Park before the working day commenced. This did not pan out. Although I left home at 7.45am, the traffic was so bad that it took precisely 1 hour and 15 minutes to creep and crawl the 6 mile drive! As I arrived, this elderly lady suddenly came careering round the bend, snow spraying and waved me a jolly "good morning". I don't know why but I whipped out the camera and was just in time to get this shot of her back as she sped off down the road.... I hope her brakes work because she was really going terribly fast.

I want to thank all my blip pals for doing a sterling job of encouraging me to go on with the world of blip. As you know, I have had some dark days and at certain points I have been on the verge of giving up. It is entirely down to all you lovely blippers that I have managed to find the enthusiasm to carry on and I am sincerely grateful to each and every one of you who take the time to comment and chivvy me on. You really are a wonderful bunch.

Next stop 365....

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