well today was, "exciting"
I'm throwing in the dragon to compensate for the flower. I always find it difficult to focus a manual lens when there isn't enough contrast because without contrast focus peaking doesn't work.
The dragon is the same one from Da Nang, Vietnam, that blew fire. (extra https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2642317191554271072)
In looking for said dragon I discovered that I didn't blip Nov 27th. oops https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2684602810569328535 I didn't take these Nov 27th, but I created the compilation Nov 27th.
On the subject of Vietnam, the Vietnamese government developed a nifty song and animated video regarding the corona virus. https://qz.com/1815293/countries-use-songs-to-fight-coronavirus/
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