Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

New angle, new world

Winchester Cathedral from St Catherine's Hill.

Today is the first time I've tried using the long lens to blip the cathedral from the top of St Catherine's Hill.  Rather nice, I thought, though the (minimised in photoshop) blue haze has to be, doesn't it, the result of the City's rotten air quality?  Well, if you build in a dip...

Have also spent some time having a meeting about taking over production of the camera club's rather extensive handbook, for my sins.  And got hopelessly involved with little Sis, in trying to plan ways V might be able to cope when she's out of hospital.  Meanwhile, the saintly K has said she will look after little Jax, so we'll have him here temporarily, together with Hazel and Duke.  Fun, but slight bedlam!  What with C19 and all the rest, life seems to have taken a right-angle turn into a new world.

Happy Thursday night - and keep safe  xx

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