Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


My early rise day, with a 9am start for Aquafit, including taking Archie round the block first so that JR could have a rare lie in. But it was not be, apparently. I had left the sitting room door open, and there was one more piece of paper stuffing left on the chair after JR tidied up yesterday's mess. And so all she could hear was ripping and tearing noises and had to get up.

My Aquafit was the usual bobbing around to loud music, doing any old thing under the water, but vaguely following the tutor for 45 minutes. And actually, I was quite tired after it. I was very slow when we later walked round to Black Ivy for lunch.

Elizabeth gave Archie a surprise today, as she had an afternoon off and can’t come to take him out on Saturday. He was delighted. Here he is, relaxing on JR's legs, so that I had to fetch her things all evening.

We had a super lunch at Black Ivy - JR had the balsamic chicken that I had last time. And I had it again. JR also had dessert (Extra). It looks like a savoury dish, topped with a poached egg, but it was chilli roasted pineapple, with a salted caramel crumble and coconut sorbet. Delicious, she said.

More alarming news about Coronavirus.

And a woman at swimming today said the supermarket had run out of oven chips!

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