Busy day gardening today ...
in between the chilly showers. The sun was quite warm but still a nip in the air. A bit of weeding up on the allotment, turned a compost heap, adding a a bag of well rotted pony manure. That should get it going .. :- ) Tidied up the shed, sorted the binder twine, made a coffee, & sorted my plastic pots while it rained. The ground is still very cleggy so called it a day up there. Back to base, breakfast then out in the garden again. Moved a rosemary bush that was far to vigorous for the spot it was in. Emptied and cleaned out the goldfish pond. jiggled some pots around, planted the Snake head fritillary. Checked out some planting combinations on line then browsed my Malvern Show photo album for inspiration. I only want hot colours. I've recently bought a Verbena bonariensis, Red hot poker, & Eryngium planum so they all need a little spot each. I also tried to split the ornamental grass (Chodropetalum tectorum). Fingers crossed I'll have 3 new plants, I only needed two but 3's good.
Dinner tonight - baked sea trout, new potatoes (Gwenne) "Gwenne is particularly adapted to the production of "Babies" " according to Germicopa. I'd never heard of the variety but it tasted good. With purple sprouting broccoli as Blipped above.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting
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