
By seddon

Post jabs smiler

Busy busy day today.
Up and breakfasted, took Thomas to school. Stayed at school for a meeting about phonics screening.
Home, dinner made, out to Puddle ducks.
Chloe had a lovely swimming lesson and shouted 'quack quack quack' whilst she was chasing her duck around.
We stayed after swimming for lunch and a play with dorian and ace.
Straight from swimming to the doctors for Chloes 12 month jabs. 4 jabs done with minimal crying - she was very brave!
Bit of a wait in the pharmacy, I dropped her prescription for hydromol off on the way past, for them to have misplaced it when we went to collect it. After 10 minutes they found that they'd put it to the bottom of the pile of prescriptions to fill because they 'didn't have any'. Also didn't have any infant paracetamol, and gave 3x wrong prescriptions out in the 10 minutes I was stood there. Didn't exactly instill much confidence!!
Went to morrisons to get some calpol to find they had none. No paracetamol, no toilet roll, no soap. Thanks corona virus!
Tried a different chemist, managed to get her cream and a bottle of paracetamol.
Home, school run, tea made, Thomas ready for football (thankfully Ben got home just in time to take him!)
Bath and early bedtime all round...

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