
By feefifofum

Les Miserables

Off to the imax in Edinburgh to see Les Miserables, otherwise known as 2 hour sob fest, almost literally cried the entire way through. It was incredible, I thought the way they'd done it was brilliant. Don't rate Russel Crowe very highly, but most of the singing was fantastic! Definitely going to see it again if I have the time and the money! Then this evening it was off to rainbows, we have a lot of very tiny very cute new rainbows, but does bring our total to 18 which is insane! We've got quite a few due to move up to brownies though so that should bring the numbers back down again fairly soon! After rainbows I popped over to Alastair's for a lovely skype catch up with our friends in Switzerland, I am super super excited to see them in the summer when they come over for our wedding!

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