It's a Beautiful Life

By ArtyFi

Brightening up a dreary day

Hubby bought me an early birthday present in the sales, and it arrived today. A North Face down jacket. I have been looking for one for 3 years so am delighted to have it! I was so excited that I had to wear it around the house to try it out (with the added benefit of keeping me cushty indoors)! It would have been rude not to try it outdoors today so we went for a brisk march in the cold down to the Firth of Forth. It was like being under a duvet. Very welcome on a cold and grey day.

I don't often tamper with my photos before I post them here...occasionally I correct the exposure and colour saturation, or turn them into sepia, but not often. Most are SOOC. However, today all my photos looked so dreary that I felt my choice would definitely benefit from considerable tweaking to make it brighter and more dramatic. I think it's ok and definitely an improvement on the original which had no sky definition whatsoever, despite the fact there were plenty of clouds around!

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