Garden Time

Started today with the usual 5:45am early morning wake up call from yours truly.

MrsT, to be fair got up twice last night and I had a decent sleep (I think)!

Up and watched the end of Dunkirk anyway.

Then off to parkrun where I managed my fastest time of the year at 22:39 which is quite a difference from last week. That’s with no midweek running too.

L off to gymnastics then straight to a friends for a sleepover. I never see her these days.

MrsT off to Killin to help her folks pack up the caravan as they’ve decided not to keep it on this year which is a pity as i routinely took L up a couple of times a year for a break.

I’m spending the day in the garden sprucing it up as the home report folks are out on Monday. Need a nice valuation :-)

Heidi has her 2nd jag this morning and had spent some time with me in the garden and some time sleeping in her bed.

My sister and nephew are popping in for a visit.

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