Double Shot Mummy


Out on the town at 3 weeks, 2 days old

My sister, our friend Julia and I decided to visit the Dubai Fountains at Dubai Mall tonight. It was a late night out for the twins and Maple and the heat and humidity was sweltering. We got there just as one Fountain 'dance' finished so had to wait another 25 minutes for the next. As it was so hot and mid-Ramadan, everything was extremely quiet. All the expats and locals too tend to disappear on vacation at that time of year as the temperature hovers around the late 40's. For this reason, we had no trouble finding a seat!

Oscar and Bailee's eyes were as wide as saucers during the fountain show. The fountains danced to Arabic music and it was spectacular to watch. Maple slept through the entire thing..... I was quite worried she would overheat in her carseat, but she was fine. I wonder if she will climatise quicker because she was born here? We taxied home and admired the architecture by night of all the Dubai buildings lit up.

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