I love ..............
Wonky veg ....... working on my allotment ..... birdsong .............. compost making ................. sharing an interest ................. plants .................. expressing myself in whatever way I feel ............. calm ................ & Magners
After getting the laundry on the line I headed off to plot 28, & 29b. I tidied up the hedge started yesterday .. Blackthorn is a brut! Ouch!!! .. Started a bonfire heap. Lifted parsnips, & swede. Squelch, squelch ... yuk! Pruned the gooseberry bushes .. ouch! Swapped a blackcurrant bush with a gooseberry ... Squelch, squelch. Alan an avid allotmentee arrived minus Honey, his beautiful golden retriever.
"Do you like leeks"
"Would you like some?"
"Ohhh, yeeeees please"
We had a lovely chat while he trimmed the leeks. Two of the male allotmentees have cancer .. Pancreatic, & lung. Alan is a cancer survivor like myself. We talked about being thankful for every day. He chopped/trimmed the leeks. He threw so much on the compost heap that I would have used, but we were busy talking. He is also involved, & very knowledgeable about the local history so I mentioned the OS benchmark on Clifford street, that hubby had spotted, & asked me about. At that time I did'nt know what it was but thought it might have been to do with sea levels I was right. I came across a blip this morning with a similar marking on a granite gatepost, but I can't for the life of me remember who it was .... apologies. I think it was the excitement of finding the information, sad but true. With a little research I found the OS benchmark plus more local info on a site called geograph.co.uk. This lead to another conversation concerning parish/ county responsibilities back in the 1700's. Fascinating stuff. I might have to join the Chudleigh History Group. So the gert big leeks are from Alan's patch not mine ... they put mine to shame. Never mind, I'm sure they will taste good. He then offered me some blackcurrant bushes from another plot he has just taken over ... so then I had another 3 blackcurrant buses to accommodate ... They even smelled like blackcurrants. I hope they are productive ... I'll have to find some well rotted manure to chivvy them along.
Back home, hubby was a bundle of joy.ARGHH!!!! Made lunch, then headed out into the garden, did a bit of weeding, planted some herbaceous perennials in the back garden, weeded the front border then decided to cut the grass. It looks so neat when it's cut. I'd hardly call it a lawn, but it's green and compliments the flower border. Cleaned the lawnmower, trimmed the hedge, pruned the hydrangeas. Job done!
Dinner is bubbling away .. beef all-in-run-or-not. Minced beef with a tray of frozen ratatouille & Italian herb mix. Rice? .. Pasta? ... Spuds?? Who knows.
Would I buy these veg in a shop ..... probably not ... too much soil attached.
The "I love" is part of the sole of a flip flop I found washed up on the beach in Thailand years ago. Every now & then it appears in my photos, like today .. for Silly Saturday. :- )
Thanks to admirer for hosting
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