Anemones Again
It’s all kicking off. The JCB diggers may be opening the mass graves, but I was happy most of the day rooting out perennial weeds up the slope. Whilst listening to podcasts - including Football Weekly with Max Rushden and Barry Glendenning and others. I do hope they can keep it going despite having no new games to discuss.
Later I looked in vain for leadership in this time of national crisis to that body where we’ve always turned in the dark days - the Kirk of course. I mean, the Moderator has a Twitter account so I hoped he’d be fulminating against our sins and how we have brought this down on our own heads. Blow me, there is indeed a prayer!
"We pray for… the impact on the economy and pensions...” Good stuff - a prayer for my equities.
"We pray for those whose trips, both for business and pleasure, have been cancelled" Amen to that!
Then out to a play at the Traverse to see James Rowland with Team Viking - about his childhood friend Tom dying of heart cancer and then with his other best friend Sarah, giving him a Viking Burial in the Thames. I wanted to like it more than I did - a bit kinda minor fringe show, I’d say.
Home to find rumours swirling that over 70s won’t be allowed out to the pub on Wednesday! It’s gone too far now.
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