Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


the Positives of self isolation

Well here they are....

Relax at home

Do some sketching / painting

Listen to some tunes

Watch a film ( I am going to watch Amelie this afternoon)

Bake some curranty buns

Watch the birdinis in your garden - there are robins (cheeky) and blackbirds aplenty in mine

Read the books you were given for Christmas

Do some housework (eh no)

Wash your aprons (i have 10 and they need some serious stain removal)

Do some photography (i am enjoying having time to browse Blipfoto)

Write a short story

Polish your shoes and darn your sox (yazza)

Do your nails yourself instead of spending a fortune in salons

Ring your mammy and ask her to come and stay with you and take care of her (mine is already ensconced here and she just had one of my successful turny over omelettes)

Phone a friend who lives alone

Be grateful for your home and your comfy couch

Accentuate the Positives

I know all you blippers would prefer Bing’s and Perry’s and Aretha’s versions of this, but this is how I roll


My blip today is the warrior in my garden and some lovely tulips

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