Turning a corner

Today's big event was disinfecting the greenhouse.  It happens around this time every year and involves copious amounts of Jeyes fluid though I am sure other, equalliy effective disinfetcants are available.  The greenhouse needs to be emptied and I have to make myself waterproof which I do with varying success.  And then all surfaces, inside and out, are to be washed clean.  It is an arduous and, as well as the greenhouse, I end the process very clean indeed.  Though, and those I come into contact with me will testify, there is a strong and persistent smell about me.  Folk know what I've been up to.  The greenhouse is now gleaming and ready for seeds.
The blip is of some delightful miniature daffodils growing in the rockery.  their heads are pointing in all sorts of directions but are starting to come out.

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