
We went round to the King's Wark to meet a couple of pals up visiting from Oxford, and had a vast brunch together. Then we walked them back along the Water of Leith as far as their digs in Powderhall, and continued onwards ourselves to the Inverleith allotments, where we purchased a bag of seed potatoes in The Hut. Gosh, the allotments there are very neat - don't think we would make the grade!

Came back past the pond to see if the water rail was about - no sign of it, but this young heron was on the prowl. (I suppose it might have eaten the water rail...) Then we stopped for a pint of very refreshing beer in the Stockbridge Tap. The poor barmaid asked if we would be staying for another round - she was having to wash her hands after every transaction and was trying to reduce their number. Popped into the market and managed to secure some chicken liver pate for D, although it was very late in the day. Came back on the bus, tired but cheery (and with seed potatoes)!

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