
By Mouldy

Love it or hate it!

I was under orders from #1 daughter to try and find this. Berwick M&S was the 3rd attempt, and they had 3 left.
Apparently they do a butter as well...
I had to go to the dump this morning, as I'm emptying my big shed, and I had some old stuff to get rid of. I thought I would drop into Morrisons and get some veg, milk, and diesel. It ended up being a bit more, but NOT LOO ROLLS, as I'm fine for them.
Just as well, because the shelves were, as expected, empty.
I do feel sorry for possibly older people who are struggling to get them.
If this lock-in of the 70+ population happens, half of our village will be confined to barracks! I've only escaped by a couple of years!

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