River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Purple Tree Collard ...

... looking beautiful in today’s sunshine. This how they looked in October https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2628344281869322299
More info if you’re interested -
Pheasant in the garden, feeding on spillage from bird feeders - almost gave MrD heart failure when it flew out at him, they’re very big!!!
Spent a few hours in the garden, weather so pleasant. Planted out Kale “Thousand Headed”, see if they live up to the name!! Also leftovers of Chard with colourful stems and some red veined sorrel.
Pruned back the yellow leaved elderflower and got lots of the clematis cleared from it too. Bit more work before it’s clear ...
Saw a bumblebee flying through the garden, late this afternoon. Was just thinking yesterday that there had been hardly any.
Rested this afternoon doing a bit more family history.
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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