Out Out
I woke up feeling anxious about all of this virus stuff. Having been super busy all week and not giving it a second thought, listening to everybody catastrophising has left me feeling unsettled and worried. Whilst I'm not worried about getting it myself, the panic buying, the threat of everything grinding to a halt and being out of routine is enough to unnerve me.
I went to the chiropractor about my back today. It's been three weeks and it's still limiting and quite painful. I came away reassured that I haven't slipped a disc, and had a lovely massage and some adjustments done which made it a bit more sore.
I had my nails done, and then a dance lesson which was really good. I think Blackpool will probably get cancelled as it's in three weeks time, but I guess until we hear for definite, lessons go ahead as normal.
I went out on a date at the local pub tonight. We had a really nice evening although it was super busy and noisy in there!
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