alice's adventures

By aliceblips

Crazy mutha's

Hanging around in swimmers outside, diving into cold water and generally embracing January.


If you think that sounds crazy then picture this if you will.

Imagine first a very, very narrow street with parking both sides in a busy residential area of a city.

A lady (probably a mutha) tries to get out of a parking space that is too small, her car is blocked in by a motorbike which she reverses into, the motorbike falls over into an adjacently parked car (no noticeable damage).

Cue two other mutha's in a car desperate for a parking space. They leap to her rescue and help pick the motorbike up, they move the motorbike into the road, the nice lady drives off and they wave her on her way.

The two mutha's put the motorbike back. Then they try and get into the space with their car. They knock the motorbike over (even though the one standing on the pavement shouts 'STOP' loudly). The driver gets out and they pick the motorbike up and reposition it (no noticeable damage) and reposition it. The driver (who is usually very good at parking) tries again. No joy. The driver gets out of the car, and, with the help of the pavement mutha they move the motorbike back onto the road. The car is successfully parked, the motorbike is put back and everyone is happy.

Thankfully no damage done.

Oddly, no one seemed to notice this crazy chain of events.

So we decided not to report their activities as they looked like they were having a happy day.

There's a code amongst mutha's you know.

For Lexi x

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