Marsupium Photography

By magi

colourful Edinburgh

Left the rest of the family at home and took the camera for a walk. I did go into work to pick up my laptop so I can work from home for the next wee while. Onward to Tollcross for some shopping via the Grange. Today's blip is of one of my most favourite bits of Edinburgh although I rarely come past there. The colours aren't the usual yellow, red or grey stone. Picked up various things for tea today. Found out that even the Refillery is full of panic shoppers. They have run out of flour and hand soap. When I got there relatively early on all their (excellent) bread was already sold out. Luckily they just got a new delivery. I learned that their bread supply is transported by cargo bike (most excellent). But the baker said they are also having issues with flour supplies as the big retailers are also stockpiling. It's insane. But then given the distrust in our current government and their divergent strategy and strange messaging that's not a surprise. 

Anyway, I finished processing one of yesterday's panoramas. Although I did spend quite some time trying to figure out where the nodal point of the lens is I still ended up with some stitching artefacts. Ah well, undoubtedly there will be another chance. I am looking forward to this part of town being made more people friendly when the low-emission zone comes. As always, you can find the fully interactive panorama on my website.

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