A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Florence Nightingale

It's not that she doesn't normally like school, in fact she loves it, but the excitement levels were palpable this morning. Every so often the school runs a topic related dress up workshop day. Today was the turn of Anna's year and a Crimean War day. The main events seem to have been battles and bandages.

All a very well timed distraction as today was also the last day at school of her BFF, Tash. So mixed feelings for my little girl. Tash is only moving about 50miles but that is, of course, another world when you're 7 and can't drive or go on a train on your own. We do have a plan to visit in March and they each have a writing set and grand plans for pen-pal'ing, both of which I think have helped soften the blow. Tough parenting lesson too watching your kid be sad and not able to fix it for them.

In cheerier news I had a great meeting with a new client, in a new (to me) industry. Challenging, interesting, nice people and close to home. Pretty good.

Lesley x

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