Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Reeves Muntjac

Today has been a long day, we left at around 0900 hours and returned home at almost 2000 hours.

Firstly the dentist for Mr A, because once again he has broken a crown and half the tooth with it. Then to Scotsdales for some more bird food and then lunch. I have been looking for some boots and today found two pairs and as I could not decide which to have I bought both pairs. Then over to the Beehive Centre in Cambridge where we visited several shops and stopped for coffee and cake. Finally an Addenbrookes appointment where they were almost an hour late, then more coffee before returning home.

Fortunately this Reeves Muntjac deer was very obliging this morning presenting itself outside the kitchen window. Muntjacs, are sometimes known as Barking Deer and we often hear them during the night. They are small deer of the genus Muntiacus. Muntjacs are the oldest known deer and appeared fifteen to thirty-five million years ago; remains have been found in Miocene deposits in France, Germany and Poland.

Originally this one was so close to the kitchen window that I could not get a picture of it, despite balancing on a step ladder and almost falling in the sink. Something spooked it and the Robin and as it turned to run to the other side of the garden, it stopped long enough for me to get a passable picture; taken as always through the kitchen window.

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