All things me

By KatiePie

You will always find me in the kitchen at parties.

I'm just one of life's feeders and clearer uppers.
I'm not necessarily a clearer upper in my own house though, let me just make that clear. I try, but don't ever quite achieve clean or tidy here.
I think the most commonly used word I've heard when people describe my house is "homely". I think we all know that's code for scruffy..

Anyway. I'm veering off on a tangent. Sorry.

In the kitchen this evening... Not a party but a school disco. Key Stage 2.
I was dishing out water for the sweaty blighters.
That sounds simple doesn't it? Not selling, dishing out. Just hand them some water.
I've worked the Pimms Bar at a Uni summer ball until the early hours. I'm not entirely sure which required more coordination and energy.. That or this evening.

Here's how it worked.

Fill cups with water and place on counter. Smile sweetly at approaching red faced gaggles of children.
Kids pause and look for the fullest cup, take it, have a sip, look at it, have another sip, then put it down in amongst all the others.
You fish it out, chuck the remains away and throw the cup in the sink to wash so it can be refilled.

You had to watch them like hawks! They're meant to be grown up enough to have a bit of sense? Surely??

I reached the point where I was washing cups and rinsing them under the hot tap with my left hand whilst refilling the water jug with my right hand under the cold tap all whilst looking over my shoulder to work out where the kids were putting their used cups down so I could remove them before anyone else drank out of them before filling up the clean ones.
Multitasking at its best :) it was all going swimmingly literally, I had water everywhere and then our lovely chairman came in and started chucking my precious clean cups back in the sink and mucking up my system. Honestly. It was just as well "Hey Sexy Lady" came on, as she then left to go and mum-dance and embarrass her daughter..

I left Mr KP a recipe for delish brown rice pilaf to make and bung in the oven whilst I was out for us to have with some from the freezer chicken and chorizo stew when we got home. The boy done good.

Disclaimer - The Chairman is lush..
I haven't quite mastered the patented Withers "abuse your mates, and keep them close" technique yet..

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