A pretty colour in the rain

I always admire the colour of birch this time of the year and once bought bedding and curtains in this colour for a green painted bedroom. Both turned out to be a good buy, the curtains have long gone, to MESS the wonderful charity shop on Mull and the cover is still in use.

A wet day and a short walk to get out for half an hour. I met a friend also looking drenched doing the same, we chatted for several minutes keeping metres between us, she has a very elderly mother in law to care for.

Extras also taken just along the road from where we live, the burn was quietly winding it way past the sheep, life goes on as normal within this view.

With a number of cases testing positive on Mull, one in the village, we have to seriously consider all advice given over the media in recent weeks. We can not offer to help others until we know all is well here, to stay away from people for two weeks and then reconsider. As far as I know nobody other than the poor family affected has received any advice, it’s up to us to think and react responsibly. As always within the community the offers of help to do shopping, collect prescriptions, to phone for a chat are coming up on fb. Most community events have closed down for now however the village shop is open. Yesterday when entering the shop I read a request to wash my hands before shopping, I did a quick shop in a pleasant atmosphere taking far less time than normal, although managed to spend a silly amount in that short time.

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