Endangered species.

No not us (hopefully not in the short term), although in the long run we are not a sustainable species.

Anyway this little chap had run out of energy - you wind up the handle on his shell and he can crawl and swim, I wound him up again and sent him on his way. Who knows where he came from or where he will end up. Good luck fella.

Zombies. In Tesco, the usual madness, people wrestling over tins of ravioli, fist fights for cans of soup, mothers sobbing in the empty loo roll aisle. An inconsiderate youth coughed and spluttered at the check out. I took out my zombie spade and culled him. I gave the spade a quick spritz with sterilising hand spray. The almost silent squirt turned dozens of heads. They lurched towards me. Zombies - more culling required.

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