Indoor pursuits
Lock down began at noon, by which time I had already endured a surreal 2.5m-from-all-other-people queue at the pharmacy, a head-thumpingly irritating phone meeting, and my first virtual team meeting for a recently expanded client job.
Happily the pharmacy was taking a fairly pragmatic approach to issuing medicine on out of date prescriptions.
The kids managed to keep themselves busy with work in appropriate hours, and the hens had very long dust baths, which I'm sure must be a precursor to laying breakfast.
And, in knitting news, I'm nearly finished my poncho. Somehow, despite having approx 400,000 needles, I don't have the right one for the next step. But, obviously, I have another project (tiny jumper) to be getting on with in the meantime.
As well as needles, I have ordered crisps, coffee and Easter eggs. Productive day.
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