
By LifeLines


Merlin found a ball on his walk last week and it has become one of his favourite things.  As we sat this evening I noticed he had it tucked under his leg as he slept.  He is proving wonderful company, getting us out on walks in the fresh air where we can meet people and chat (at a distance!) about the rapidly changing world around us.  

It has been a day of great change.  Lots of new rules and guidance from work, meetings cancelled, public venues and businesses closing or trying to reconfigure how they provide services, people buying food and feeling confused and anxious about how life is going to be over these coming months.  We usually go to dog training on a Tuesday evening but tonight we didn't go.  We think that once the evenings are light we will make Tuesday night our dog training evening in our back garden, so we can try to carry on the things we have been working on at classes. It feels as if things have been quite frantic today.  I've decided to limit the news I listen to and rather try to focus on things which give a sense of normality and think about how I can find positive ways to support ourselves and others at this time.

Looking forward to catching up with your blips later, but most of wishing you all well as we go through these changing days.  (O:

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