Group running

It's not often we are chased up the hill by groups of sheep.We climbed over the the stile . They looked most disappointed. I'm guessing they don't get many visitors and thought we were the shepherd bearing food.

This was the last organised orienteering club training run especially as it ends up in the pub with up to 20 of us eating lunch. GoIng forward there may be impromptu informal arrangements for very small groups to run maintaining a suitable distance apart and no pub lunch at the end.  I wonder how long this will go on for. The pubs will certainly suffer financially and peoples social health will be affected.

I'm going to recommend Blip to my local art club who says it's not going to be the same painting on your own all the time. That way they can post pictures of their projects and the group can comment and interact virtually. 

 Day 2 . Following yesterday's announcement, some members did not come to run/pub. Others came because we knew it would be the last one for ages  and we had pre ordered food. It was difficult to maintain social distancing in the Corus Green golf club restaurant. 

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