Return to the North

By Viking

Post menopausal!

I needed petrol today so we headed to Tesco in town. I thought it might be slightly manic so braces myself but at 12.05pm at least it was pretty quiet.
Nipped in to their cafe for a coffee and with a vague idea I might get some pasta and bread (ongoing saga me thinks!) Not a chance! Having shut overnight to completely restock the shelves it opened at 6am. According the lady on the till who served me people were queuing at 6 and literally ran in with their trolleys. Even though they had limited each person to three of any one item there was a lot of empty shelves when I got there. This aisle made me laugh! I no longer need the products that it is supposed to stock but someone is obviously bulk buying for Armageddon periods!
Earlier in the day I had seen the tweet on another photo very similar and it struck me as very very true. And yet it also saddened me that maybe the people who are still being selfish (even though there is still no need to panic) are the numpties who would also throw the refugees a back in the sea.

On the plus aside there are just as many acts of kindness about. Let’s hope that it is they that prevail (and as an aside, the selfishness continues into the car park when some numpties parked so close to my car I couldn’t get in! We had to take the handbrake off from the drivers side and push the car out! They must have been frigging anorexic to get out their car

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